Tag "connected"

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Worldline lanza

Worldline ofrecerá a los distribuidores la posibilidad de instalarse en el hogar de los consumidores para ofrecerles servicios digitales innovadores. A través de un imán en el refrigerador conectado por


Intel is offering the 4G LTE with a brand new chip

This is not Intel’s first 4G LTE modem, but a previous single-mode chip was not able to fall back on older 3G and 2G networks. The ZMM 7160 can connect


Solution Box makes life easier!

Claudio Muñoz , Sales Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean for Solution Box accompanied us this morning to talk about their products, offers and future plans. The IT department


LIME Caribbean CEO Calls For Technology Innovation

LIME is making a major network investment across the Caribbean to ensure that their network will continue to transcend LIME , the region’s leading telecoms provider that first connected the